I have had a very busy past few weeks. To start off with, my parents and sister came to visit! They came in late thursday night and I spent the entire weekend with them. On friday we went all over the city of Quito and had dinner at my host families house. It was a very interesting dinner because my real parents dont know how to speak spanish and my host mom doesnt know how to speak english so I had to do a lot of translating. She cooked an amazing dinner though. On saturday we woke up early and took a 2 hour bus ride through the mountains to an indigenous village called Otovalo. We spent the morning going to the enormous market and buying lots of things and then went to a really pretty lake that was ten minutes away that was at the base of a volcanoe and had lunch there.
Here is one of the many booths at the market selling jewelry
This is someone selling spices and grains at the market.
On Sunday we went up the teleferico which is a gondala that takes you up one of the mountains in Quito. You are supposed to be able to see the entire city but it was cloudy so we couldnt see much below the clouds. However, we did get a good view of the surrounding mountains which was really pretty and we went on a hike in the mountains. My family left early monday morning to spend a week on a cruise in the galapagos which i was very jealous of.
I spent the week going to classes and hanging out with friends as usual. One of the nights my friend and I baked pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pie which was delicious. They do not sell pumpkin here so I had my parents bring me a few cans. My host family loved the muffins and pie!
Thursday was Thanksgiving. My friends and I wanted to to bake our own dinner but none of us knew how to cook a turkey or had time so we went to an irish pub for dinner. They actually did a very good job of making thanksgiving dinner.
For $10 each we got a big plate of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, carrots, and salad, a bowl of apple pie with ice cream and 2 glasses of wine. I did miss sweet potatoes, corn bread, and pumpkin pie though.
On friday morning my friends and I woke up early and went to a lake thats about 2 hours away called Cuicochi. The lake was beautiful. It was in the crater of an active volcanoe so the water was bubbling. There were two islands in the middle of the lake that were covered in guinea pigs (cui are guinea pigs which is why the lake is called cuicochi). We took a boat tour of the lake and the islands and then went to lunch on the rim of the volcanoe. We tried or order guinea pig for lunch but they were all out!
My family came back from the galapagos friday night so we went out to dinner at La Ronda which is a street in the old part of Quito with tons of small resturants and cafes and shops and lots of street music. It was really fun. on Saturday we went to Mitad del Mundo which is where the equator is. I was surprised that a line painted on the ground could be so exciting!

After visiting the equator and taking lots of turisty picture, we went to really cool museum that was right nearby. We got a tour of the museum which was all outdoors. We learned about indigenous life on the equator and our tour guide did a lot of cool demonstrations. One of my favorites showed the centripital forces that are on the equator. He put water in a basin exactly on the equator and when he opened the plug, the water drained out straight down. He did the same thing but 4 feet to the south of the line and the water drained out in the a funnel. He did it again 4 feet to the north and the water drained in a funnel going the opposite direction. It was amazing how much a difference 4 feet could make! After the museum, we went to a nearby volcanoe. The volcanoe was really cool because there was an entire village in the crater of the volcanoe!
On Sunday, we couldnt do anything because it was the national census. That meant that everyone in the entire country had to stay home the entire day and wait for school girls to come and give them the census. It was very bizarre. My parents werent allowed to leave their hotel and I couldnt leave my house untill the census people came. When I could finally leave my house and go to the hotel, the streets were absolutely dead. There was no transportation to I had to walk about 30 minutes. For the entire 30 minutes i didnt see a single car and the only people I passed were school girls in uniforms and a few police men with giant guns. It was wierd.
My parents left to go home early monday morning and life went back to normal. Apparently one of the volcanoes nearby is more active than its ever been before and we have been warned of an eruption. On monday, a few of my friends and I went out to a small resturant for lunch. My friend Zach and I ordere crab soup for lunch and we were brought a bowl with broth and an entire crab in its shell inside the bowl! We were then brought a wooden board and a hammer to crack the crab ourselves. It was very interesting but the soup was amazing and only cost $2.50!
Quito days have begun here! Next monday is 6 de diciembre which is Quitos independence day and the week leading up to it is called Quito Days which just means there are tons of parties and cool events all week. On Monday night, our abroad program rented us a Chiva. A Chiva is a big open air bus with ropes on the ceiling to hold onto and a DJ on board. They gave us all plastic cubs to wear around out necks on a string and had jugs of canelazo (warm alcoholic fruity cider) to drink. We drove around the entire city for two hours blasting music and dancing on the bus. It was tons of fun!

For this friday my friends and I got tickets for a bull fight which is another popular activity on Quito Days. They are supposed to be very fun but there are lots of protesters because they kill the bull. On Friday night we are going to my friends host families hacienda (farm) because her host brothers are throwing a big party there for Quito days and on Sunday 3 of my friends and i are going to Cuenca which is supposed to be an incredibly beautiful city in the south of Ecuador.